The Hawaii Preparatory Academy Middle School Handbell Choir, under the direction of Georgia Polakova, is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. The group is presenting a series of free public performances to welcome the holiday season:
The Hawaii Preparatory Academy Middle School Handbell Choir, under the direction of Georgia Polakova, is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. The group is presenting a series of free public performances to welcome the holiday season:
— Thursday, 5 p.m., Parker Ranch Tree Lighting at Puuopelu, Waimea
— Dec. 5, 9:30 a.m., Waimea Farmers Market, Parker School, Waimea
— Dec. 5, 4 p.m., Kings’ Shops, Waikoloa Resort
— Dec. 5, 6 p.m., Queens’ Marketplace, Waikoloa Resort
— Dec. 6, noon, Parker Ranch Shopping Center Food Court, Waimea
The handbell choir, offered as a middle school elective, has been part of the HPA middle school experience since 1985. The choir consists of 11 students who play for seven weeks, usually performing after only four weeks of rehearsal.
The choir’s first CD, “A Ka Makani Christmas,” is available for $10 at all HPA Handbell Choir performances, HPA Student Store, HPA Village Campus office, Isaacs Art Center and All proceeds benefit the choir.
Info.: 885-2500, 885-2501.